Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Thank You Gifts For Men What Should I Get For My Best Person As A Thank You Gift. Think Best Man, But A Normal Girl Instead!?

What should I get for my best person as a thank you gift. Think best man, but a normal girl instead!? - thank you gifts for men

I joined a few months and want to find the perfect gift for our people, abit complicated because the two girls (we're both types), but I can not really find gifts for the best men or bridesmaids, these girls are not. Moreover, they are in no way butch the best gifts for men, there would probably demand. What a mess!


  1. Jewelry ... a necklace? Bracelet? u or perfume, if not mind spending

  2. Coupon for a restaurant? Nice bottle of wine? Tickets for a concert, show or sports event you know that you love? The gift card to a bookstore? Voucher for a day spa?

    What are your interests? For example, I have a friend who collects small crystal clocks. For them the gift of a glass of the clock is good for any occasion. Is there something that connects with one of his personal interests.
